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Adaptive Management To use the results of new information gathered through the Monitoring Program of the Plan and from other sources to adjust management strategies and practices to assist in providing for the Conservation of Covered Species.
Adaptive Management Program The MSHCP’s program of Adaptive Management described in Section 5.0 of the MSHCP, Volume I.
Additional Reserve Lands Conserved Habitat totaling approximately 153, 000 acres that are needed to meet the goals and objectives of the MSHCP and comprised of approximately 56, 000 acres of State and federal acquisition and mitigation for State Permittees, and approximately 97, 000 acres contributed by Local Permittees (Lands acquired since February 3, 2000 are included in the Local Permittees’ Additional Reserve Lands contribution pursuant to correspondence discussed in Section 4.0 of the MSHCP, Volume I and on file with the County of Riverside)
Agriculture For the species analyses, references to agriculture refer to the Vegetation Community, Agriculture, as depicted on the MSHCP Vegetation Map, Figure 2- 1 of the MSHCP, Volume I.
Agricultural Operations The production of all plants (horticulture), fish farms, animals and related production activities, including the planting, cultivation and tillage of the soil, dairying, and apiculture; and the production, plowing, seeding, cultivation, growing, harvesting, pasturing and fallowing for the purpose of crop rotation of any agricultural commodity, including viticulture, apiculture, horticulture, and the breeding, feeding and raising of livestock, horses, fur-bearing animals, fish, or poultry, the operation, management, conservation, improvement or maintenance of a farm or ranch and its buildings, tools and equipment; the construction, operation and maintenance of ditches, canals, reservoirs, wells and/or waterways used for farming or ranching purposes and all uses conducted as a normal part of such Agricultural Operations; provided such actions are in compliance with all applicable laws and regulations. The definition of Agricultural Operations shall not include any activities on state and federal property or in the MSHCP Conservation Area.
Allowable Uses Uses allowed within the MSHCP Conservation Area as defined in Section 7.0 of the MSHCP, Volume I.
Annual Report The reports prepared pursuant to the requirements of Section 6.11 of the MSHCP, Volume I.
Area Plan A community planning area defined in the County of Riverside General Plan. Sixteen County of Riverside Area Plans are located within the MSHCP Plan Area.
Area Plan Subunit A portion of an Area Plan for which Biological Issues and Considerations and target acreages have been specified in Section 3.3 of the MSHCP, Volume I.
Biological Issues and Considerations A list of biological factors to be used by the Plan Participants in assembly of the MSHCP Conservation Area. Biological Issues and Considerations are identified for each Area Plan Subunit in Section 3.3 of the MSHCP, Volume I.
Biologically Equivalent or Superior Determination Documentation that a particular project alternative will be biologically equivalent or superior to a project consistent with the guidelines and thresholds established in the policies for the Protection of Species Associated with Riparian/Riverine Areas and Vernal Pools set forth in Section 6.1.2 of the MSHCP, policies for the Protection of Narrow Endemic Plant Species set forth in Section 6.1.3 of the MSHCP, Additional Survey Needs and Procedures policies set forth in Section 6.3.2 of the MSHCP, and the Criteria Refinement Process set forth in Section 6.5 of the MSHCP.
Biological Monitoring Program The program detailing the requirements for monitoring of the MSHCP Conservation Area as set forth in Section 5.3 of the MSHCP, Volume I.
Biological Monitoring Report Reports prepared pursuant to the requirements of Section 5.3.7 of the MSHCP, Volume I.
Bioregion A generalized area with similar elevation, topography, soils and floristic characteristics within the MSHCP Plan Area. Seven Bioregions are identified in the MSHCP Plan Area and are depicted in Figure 2-6 of the MSHCP, Volume I.
California Department of Fish and Game CDFG, a department of the California Resources Agency.
California Department of Transportation Caltrans, a department of the California Business, Transportation and Housing Agency.
Cell A unit within the Criteria Area generally 160 acres in size, approximating one quarter section.
Cell Group An identified grouping of Cells within the Criteria Area.
California Environmental Quality Act CEQA (California Public Resources Code, Section 21000 et seq.) and all guidelines promulgated thereunder, as amended. For the MSHCP, the County shall be the lead agency under CEQA as defined under State CEQA Guidelines section 15367.
California Endangered Species Act CESA (California Fish and Game code, Section 2050 et seq.) and all rules, regulations and guidelines promulgated thereunder, as amended.
Changed Circumstances Changes in circumstances affecting a Covered Species or the geographic area covered by the MSHCP that can reasonably be anticipated by the Parties and that can reasonably be planned for in the MSHCP. Changed Circumstances and the planned responses to those circumstances are more particularly described in Section 11.4 of the IA, and Section 6.8 of the MSHCP, Volume I. Changed Circumstances do not include Unforeseen Circumstances.
Cities The cities of Banning, Beaumont, Calimesa, Canyon Lake, Corona, Hemet, Lake Elsinore, Moreno Valley, Murrieta, Norco, Perris, Riverside, San Jacinto, and Temecula, collectively.
Community and Environmental Transportation Acceptability Process CETAP, a process overseen by RCTC to identify Acceptability Process future transportation and communication corridors designed to relieve current traffic congestion and provide for the County’s and the Cities’ future transportation and communication needs.
Conceptual Reserve Design A reserve concept developed for purposes of providing quantitative parameters for MSHCP species analyses, MSHCP Conservation Area description and target acreages within Area Plan Subunits. The Conceptual Reserve Design is intended to describe one way in which the Additional Reserve Lands could be assembled consistent with MSHCP Criteria.
Conservation To use, and the use of, methods and procedures within the MSHCP Conservation Area and within the Plan Area as set forth in the MSHCP Plan, that are necessary to bring any listed species to the point at which the measures provided pursuant to FESA and the California Fish and Game Code are no longer necessary. However, Permittees will have no duty to enhance, restore or revegetate MSHCP Conservation Area lands unless required by the MSHCP Plan or agreed to through implementation of the Plan.
Conservation Strategy The overall approach to assure conservation of individual species within the MSHCP Plan Area; for each individual species, the Conservation Strategy is comprised of four elements: (1) a global conservation goal; (2) global conservation objectives; (3) species-specific conservation objectives that are measurable; and (4) management and monitoring activities.
Conserved Habitat Land that is permanently protected and managed in its natural state for the benefit of the Covered Species under legal arrangements that prevent its conversion to other land uses, and the institutional arrangements that provide for its ongoing management.
Constrained Linkage A constricted connection expected to provide for movement of identified Planning Species between Core Areas, where options for assembly of the connection are limited due to existing patterns of use.
Cooperative Organizational Structure The local administrative structure for Implementation and management of the MSHCP, as set forth in Section 6.6 of the MSHCP, Volume I.
Core Area A block of Habitat of appropriate size, configuration, and vegetation characteristics to generally support the life history requirements of one or more Covered Species.
Corridor Refers to the alignment area or footprint for manmade linear projects such as transportation facilities, pipelines and utility lines. Corridor does not have a biological meaning in the MSHCP lexicon.
County County of Riverside
County Flood Control Riverside County Flood Control and Water Conservation District
County Parks Riverside County Regional Parks and Open Space District
County Waste Riverside County Waste Management District
Covered Activities Certain activities carried out or conducted by Permittees, Participating Special Entities, Third Parties Granted Take Authorization and others within the MSHCP Plan Area, and described in Section 7 of the MSHCP, Volume I, that will receive Take Authorization under the Section 10(a) Permit and the NCCP Permit, provided these activities are otherwise lawful.
Covered Species The current 146 species within the MSHCP Plan Area that will be conserved by the MSHCP when the MSHCP is implemented. These species are discussed in Section 2.1.4 of the MSHCP, Volume I, and listed in Exhibit C to the IA and Section 9.2 of the MSHCP, Volume I.
Covered Species Adequately Conserved The initial 118 Covered Species and any of the remaining 28 Covered Species where the species objectives, set forth in Section 9.2 of the MSHCP, Volume I and Table 9-3, are met and which are provided Take Authorization through the NCCP Permit and for animals through the Section 10(a) Permit issued in conjunction with the IA. These species are discussed in Section 2.1.4 of the MSHCP, Volume I, and listed in Exhibit "D" to the IA and Section 9.2 of the MSHCP, Volume I.
Criteria Descriptions provided for individual Cells or Cell Groups within the Criteria Area to guide assembly of the Additional Reserve Lands.
Criteria Area The area comprised of Cells depicted on Figure 3-1 of the MSHCP, Volume I.
Criteria Refinement Process The process through which changes to the Criteria may be made, where the refined Criteria result in the same or greater Conservation value and acreage to the MSHCP Conservation Area as determined through an equivalency analysis provided in support of the refinement.
Critical Habitat Habitat for species listed under FESA that has been designated pursuant to Section 4 of FESA and identified in 50 C.F.R. §§ 17.95 and 17.96.
Development The uses to which land shall be put, including construction of buildings, structures, infrastructure and all alterations of the land.
Discretionary Project A proposed project requiring discretionary action or approval by a Permittee, as that term is used in CEQA and defined in State CEQA Guidelines section 15357, including issuance of a grading permit for County projects.
Edge Effects Adverse direct and indirect effects to species, Habitats and Vegetation Communities along the natural urban/wildslands interface. May include predation by mesopredators (including native and non-native predators), invasion by exotic species, noise, lighting, urban runoff and other anthropogenic impacts (trampling of vegetation, trash and toxic materials dumping, etc.).
Effective Date Date on which the IA takes effect, as set forth in Section 19.1 of the IA.
Endangered Species Those species listed as endangered under FESA and CESA.
Environmental Laws Includes state and federal laws governing or regulating the impact of development activities on land, water or biological resources as they relate to Covered Species, including but not limited to CESA, FESA, the NCCP Act, CEQA, the National Environmental Policy Act ("NEPA"), the federal Migratory Bird Treaty Act ("MBTA"), the Fish and Wildlife Coordination Act, the Fish and Wildlife Act of 1956, the Federal Water Pollution Control Act (33 U.S.C., Section 1251 et seq.), the Native Plant Protection Act (California Fish and Game Code, Section 1900 et seq. and Sections 1801, 1802, 3511, 4700, 5050 and 5515) and includes any regulations promulgated pursuant to such laws.
Executive Director Director of the Regional Conservation Authority
Existing Agricultural Operations Those lands within the MSHCP Plan Area that are actively used for ongoing Agricultural Operations, as further defined in Section 11.3 of the IA and Section 6.2 of the MSHCP, Volume I.
Existing Agricultural Operations Database The database created by the County to identify Existing Agricultural Operations, as further defined in Section 11.3 of the IA.
Federal Endangered Species Act FESA (16 U.S.C., Section 1531 et seq.) And all rules and regulations promulgated thereunder, as amended.
Feasible Capable of being accomplished in a successful manner within a reasonable period of time, taking into account economic, environmental, legal, social, and technological factors.
Funding Coordination Committee A committee formed by the Regional Conservation Authority Board of Directors to provide input on local funding priorities and Additional Reserve Land acquisitions.
Habitat The combination of environmental conditions of a specific place providing for the needs of a species or a population of such species.
HabiTrak A GIS application to provide data on Habitat loss and Conservation which occurs under the Permits.
Implementing Agreement The executed agreement that implements the terms and conditions of the MSHCP.
Incidental Take
(also see Take)
Take of Covered Species Adequately Conserved incidental to and not the purpose of, an otherwise lawful activity, including, but not limited to, Take resulting from modification of Habitat as defined in FESA and its implementing regulations.
Independent Science Advisors The qualified biologists, conservation experts and others that may be appointed by the Regional Conservation Authority Executive Director to provide scientific input to assist in the implementation of the MSHCP for the benefit of the Covered Species, as set forth in Section 6.6.7 of the MSHCP, Volume I.
Linkage A connection between Core Areas with adequate size, configuration and vegetation characteristics to generally provide for "Live-In" Habitat and/or provide for genetic flow for identified Planning Species.
Live-In Habitat Habitat that contains the necessary components to support key life history requirements of a species; e.g., year-round Habitat for permanent residents or breeding Habitat for migrant species.
Local Development Mitigation Fee The fee imposed by applicable Local Permittees on new development pursuant to Government Code Section 66000 et seq.
Local Permittees The Regional Conservation Authority, the County, County Flood Control, County Parks, County Waste, RCTC and the Cities.
Locality(ies) An area with multiple occurrences of a species based on the MSHCP species occurrence data base or literature citations as noted in individual species accounts.
Long-Term Stephens’ Kangaroo Rat The Long-Term SKR HCP in Western Riverside County dated Habitat Conservation Plan. March 1996, more particularly described in Section 16.2 of the IA.
Maintenance Activities Those Covered Activities that include the on going maintenance of public facilities as described in Section 7.0 of the MSHCP, Volume I.
Major Amendments Those proposed amendments to the MSHCP and the IA as described in Section 20.5 of the IA and Section 6.10 of the MSHCP, Volume I.
Management Unit Broad areas planned to be consolidated for overall unified management of the MSHCP Conservation Area. Five management units have been defined and are depicted in Figure 5-1 of the MSHCP, Volume I.
Migratory Bird Treaty Act Federal MBTA (16 U.S.C., Section 702 et seq.) and all rules and regulations promulgated thereunder, as amended.
Migratory Bird Treaty Special Purpose Permit Act A permit issued by the USFWS under 50 Code of Federal Regulations, section 21.27, authorizing Take under the MBTA of the Covered Species Adequately Conserved listed as endangered or threatened under FESA in connection with the Covered Activities.
Ministerial Approvals Certain City approvals involving little or no judgement by the City prior to issuance but that could have adverse impacts to Covered Species and their habitat.
Minor Amendments Minor changes to the MSHCP and the IA as defined in Section 20.4 of the IA and Section 6.10 of the MSHCP, Volume I.
Mitigation Lands Subset of Additional Reserve Lands totaling approximately 103, 000 acres, comprised of approximately 97, 000 acres contributed by Local Permittees, and approximately 6, 000 acres contributed by State Permittees.
Monitoring Program The monitoring programs and activities set forth in Section 5.3 of the MSHCP, Volume I.
Monitoring Program Administrator The individual or entity responsible for administering the Monitoring Program, as described in Section 5.0 of the MSHCP, Volume I.
MSHCP Conservation Area Approximately 500, 000 acres comprised of approximately 347, 000 acres of Public/Quasi-Public Lands and approximately 153, 000 acres of Additional Reserve Lands within Western Riverside County. The MSHCP Conservation Area provides for the conservation of the Covered Species.
MSHCP Plan Area The boundaries of the MSHCP, consisting of an approximate 1, 966 square-mile area in Western Riverside County, as depicted in Figure 1-2 of the MSHCP Plan, Volume I, and Exhibit B of the IA.
Multiple Species Habitat Western Riverside County Multiple Species Habitat Conservation
Conservation Plan (MSHCP) Plan, a comprehensive habitat conservation planning program that addresses multiple species’ needs, including Habitat, and the preservation of native vegetation in Western Riverside County, as depicted in Figure 3-1 of the MSHCP Plan, Volume I, and Exhibit A of the IA.
NCCP Act California Natural Community Conservation Planning Act (California Fish and Game Code, Section 2800 et seq.) including all regulation promulgated thereunder, as amended.
NCCP Permit The Permit issued in accordance with the IA by CDFG under the NCCP Act to permit the Take of identified species, including rare species, species listed under CESA as threatened or endangered, a species that is a candidate for listing, and unlisted species.
National Environmental Policy Act NEPA (42 U.S.C., Section 4321-4335) and all rules, regulations promulgated thereunder, as amended. For the purposes of the MSHCP, USFWS is the lead agency under NEPA as defined in 40 Code of Federal Regulations section 1508.16.
Narrow Endemic Plant Species Plant species that are highly restricted by their Habitat affinities, edaphic requirements or other ecological factors, and for which specific conservation measures have been identified in Section 6.1.3 of the MSHCP, Volume I.
New Agricultural Lands The acreage converted to Agricultural Operations after the Effective Date of the IA, as described in Section 11.3 of the IA and Section 6.2 of the MSHCP, Volume I.
New Agricultural Lands Cap A designated maximum number of acres of New Agricultural Land within the Criteria Area, as described in Section 11.3 of the IA and Section 6.2 of the MSHCP, Volume I.
No Surprises Assurance Provided Permittees are implementing the terms and conditions of MSHCP, the IA, and the Permit(s), the USFWS can only require additional mitigation for Covered Species Adequately Conserved beyond that provided for in the MSHCP as a result of Unforeseen Circumstances in accordance with the "No Surprises" regulations at 50 Code of Federal Regulations sections 17.22(b)(5) and 17.32(b)(5) and as discussed in Section 6.8 of the MSHCP, Volume I.
Non-contiguous Habitat Block A block of Habitat not connected to other Habitat areas via a Linkage or Constrained Linkage.
Other Species Species that are not identified as Covered Species under the MSHCP.
Participating Special Entity Any regional public facility provider, such as a utility company or a public district or agency, that operates and/or owns land within the MSHCP Plan Area and that applies for Take Authorization pursuant to Section 11.8 of the IA.
Party and Parties The signatories to the IA, namely the Regional Conservation Authority, the County, County Flood Control, County Parks, County Waste, RCTC, the Cities, Caltrans, State Parks, USFWS and CDFG and any other city within the Plan Area that incorporates after the Effective Date and complies with Section 11.6 of the IA.
Permit(s) Collectively, the Section 10(a) Permit and NCCP Permit issued by the Wildlife Agencies to Permittees for Take of Covered Species Adequately Conserved pursuant to FESA, CESA and the NCCP Act and in conformance with the MSHCP and the IA.
Permittees The Regional Conservation Authority, the County, County Flood Control, County Parks, County Waste, RCTC, the Cities, Caltrans and State Parks.
Plan Area See "MSHCP Plan Area."
Plan Participants The Regional Conservation Authority, the County, County Flood Control, County Parks, County Waste, RCTC, the Cities, Caltrans and State Parks and others receiving Take Authorization under the Permits.
Planning Agreement The document prepared pursuant to the NCCP Act to guide development of the MSHCP, that is contained in Appendix A of the MSHCP, Volume I.
Planning Species Subsets of Covered Species that are identified to provide guidance for Reserve Assembly in Cores and Linkages and/or Area Plans.
Public/Quasi-Public Lands Subset of MSHCP Conservation Area lands totaling approximately 347, 000 acres of lands known to be in public/private ownership and expected to be managed for open space value and/or in a manner that contributes to the Conservation of Covered Species (including lands contained in existing reserves), as generally depicted in Figure 3-1 of the MSHCP, Volume I.
Riverside County Transportation Commission RCTC, created pursuant to California Public Utilities Code section 130050.
Regional Conservation Authority The Western Riverside County Regional Conservation Authority, a joint regional authority formed by the County and the Cities to provide primary policy direction for implementation of the MSHCP, as set forth in Section 6.6 of the MSHCP, Volume I, and Section 11.2 of the IA.
Reserve Assembly Acquisition and Conservation of Additional Reserve Lands.
Reserve Management Oversight The committee established by the Executive Director to provide Committee biological, technical and operational expertise for implementation of the MSHCP, including oversight of the MSHCP Conservation Area as described in Section 11.2 of the IA and Section 6.6 of the MSHCP, Volume I.
Reserve Management Plan(s) The plan(s) setting forth management practices for identified portions of the MSHCP Conservation Area prepared and adopted as described in Section 5 of the MSHCP, Volume I.
Reserve Managers The entities managing identified portions of the MSHCP Conservation Area for the benefit of the Covered Species as described in Section 6.6.5 of the MSHCP, Volume I.
Rough Step A Reserve Assembly accounting process to monitor Conservation and loss of specified Habitats within the Criteria Area.
Rough Step Analysis Unit A geographic unit within which Rough Step is tracked. Rough Step Analysis Units are depicted in Figure 6-6 of the MSHCP, Volume I.
Rural Mountainous A County of Riverside General Plan land use designation currently permitting single-family residential uses with a minimum lot size of 10 acres with limited animal keeping and agricultural uses allowed; characterizes areas of at least 10 acres where a minimum of 70% of the area has slopes of 25% or greater
Section 10(a) Permit The permit issued by the USFWS to Permittees, in conformance with the IA and pursuant to 16 U.S.C. section 1539(a), authorizing Take of Covered Species Adequately Conserved.
State Assurances Except for provisions in Section 15.5 of the IA, provided Permittees are implementing the terms and conditions of the MSHCP, the IA, and the Permits, if there are Unforeseen Circumstances, CDFG shall not require additional land, water or financial compensation or additional restrictions on the use of land, water or other natural resources for the life of the NCCP Permit without the consent of the Permittees, unless CDFG determines that continued implementation of the IA, the MSHCP, and/or the Permits would jeopardize the continued existence of a Covered Species, or as required by law and would therefore lead to NCCP Permit revocation or suspension.
State Parks California Department of Parks and Recreation, a department of the California Resources Agency.
State Permittees Caltrans and State Department of Parks and Recreation.
Take The definition of such term in FESA with regard to species listed under FESA, and the definition of such term in the California Fish and Game Code with regard to species listed under CESA.
Take Authorization The ability to Take species pursuant to the Section 10(a) Permit and/or the NCCP Permit.
Third Party Granted Authorization Take Any Third Party that receives Third Party Take Authorization in compliance with Section 17 of the IA.
Third Party Take Authorization Take Authorization received by a landowner, developer, farming interest or other public or private entity from the Permittees pursuant to Section 17 of the IA, thereby receiving Take Authorization for Covered Species Adequately Conserved pursuant to the Permits and in conformance with the MSHCP and IA.
Threatened Species Those species listed as threatened under FESA and CESA.
Unforeseen Circumstances Changes in circumstances affecting a Covered Species Adequately Conserved or geographic area covered by the MSHCP that could not reasonably have been anticipated by the Parties at the time of the MSHCP’s negotiation and development, and that result in a substantial and adverse change in the status of the Covered Species Adequately Conserved. The term "Unforseen Circumstances" as defined in the IA is intended to have the same meaning as it is used: 1) to define the limit of the Permittees’ obligation on the "No Surprises" regulations set forth in 50 Code of Federal Regulations, sections 17.22 (b)(5) and 17.32 (b)(5); and 2) in California Fish and Game Code section 2805(k).
Unlisted Species A species that is not listed as rare, endangered or threatened under FESA, CESA or other applicable state or federal law.
United States Fish and Wildlife Service USFWS, an agency of the United States Department of the Interior.
Urban/Wildlands Interface The area where structures and other human development occurs in proximity to the MSHCP Conservation Area.
Vegetation Community(ies) A group of plants that tend to occur together in consistent, definable groups based on typical constituents as depicted on the MSHCP Vegetation Map, Figure 2-1 of the MSHCP, Volume I.
Wildlife Agencies The USFWS and CDFG, collectively.